

Méribel Alpina 
Simplified Joint Stock company with a capital of 3,287,169.01 euros

Headquarters: Méribel Alpina – Route de la Chaudanne - 73550 Méribel - France 

Chambéry Register of Commerce and Companies No. 075 520 064 00017 

Tel: +33 (0)4 79 08 65 32 

EU VAT No: TVA FR  200 755 200 64


E-Liberty Services

Savoie Technolac - Bat. Alouette II - 23 Avenue du Lac Léman - BP 413-73 372 Bourget du Lac 

Tel: +33 (0)4 58 16 00 10 

Providers who contributed to the design of the application : Marie Charlotte Bonnet, Webdesigner, and Agence Thuria, agency specializing in communications strategy, consulting and design, and CĂ©dric Guetty SARL PEAK UP.

PHOTO CREDITS: David ANDRE, Sylvain AYMOZ. TEXT CREDITS: Evelyne Mathelet.

1. Definitions

Author means any individual who created the elements on the application, including the tree view, text, maps, photos and videos; 

Publisher means the company Méribel Alpina; 

Browser means the client’s browser used to connect to the application; 

Application means all resources accessible under the domain name; 

User designates the application visitor and consumer of its information. 


2. Copyright

The whole application is covered by French legislation on copyright and intellectual property. 

The copying or use of photographs, images, maps, videos, texts, database extractions, graphic design elements and in general all the material published on the application, are prohibited without the prior written consent of their Author(s). 

Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement of the Intellectual Property Code punishable under articles L 335-2. 

3. Trademark law

The trademarks of the Website editor and its partners and the logos appearing on the application are registered trademarks. Total or partial reproduction of these trademarks or logos taken from the application without the express written permission of their owners, is prohibited under Article L 713-2 of the Intellectual Property Code. 

4. Cookies

What is a cookie? 

A cookie is a small piece of data sent by a website and installed on the User’s computer. 

Why do websites use cookies? 

Web pages have no memory. When the User navigates from page to page on the same website, he or she will not be recognized as the same person on these pages. Cookies allow the website to recognize the user's browser. They are mainly used to keep track of the user’s choices and preferences (such as language or currency), or to recognize when the user returns to the same site.

Do all cookies have the same function? 

No, there are different types of cookies, which have different functions. Cookies vary according to their role, their length of validity and the third parties that put them on a website.

How does the applicationPublisher use cookies? 

When the User connects to the application, the Publisher installs various cookies in the User’s computer to recognize the browser during the cookies’ period of validity. These cookies are used in the following ways: 

  • A Cookie to ensure the smooth running of the command: These cookies are essential to the operation of our application. We use them for online bookings. They allow you to store such things as the date you want to ski, and the number of skiers and their names. Without cookies, you could not book online as when you proceed through the booking process, the application would forget the information already provided. 

  • Google Analytics: We use cookies provided by Google Analytics to evaluate the effectiveness of our application and understand how visitors use our Site. This information allows us to know which are the most attractive pages, which products most interest our customers and what types of offers they prefer. Although it is Google Analytics which records the information provided to us by our application, we control the use of this data. If you do not wish to participate in the improvement of our application, our products, our offers and our marketing strategy, you can disable this website analytical tool by clicking on the following link: 

  • Functionality Cookies: These cookies allow us to remember your choice (such as your user name, the language you selected or your region) and offer optimized and customized features. 

Cookie management is different on each browser. This is described in the help menu of the browser, which informs the User how to change cookie options. The User can choose at any time to modify his or her cookies requirements by the means described below: 

5. Protection of personal data

Le traitement de données à caractère personnel recueillies sur l'application a été régulièrement déclaré auprès de la CNIL. 

Conformément à la loi Informatique et Libertés du 6 janvier 1978 modifiée, l’ensemble des informations demandées sur l'application et visées par un astérisque est obligatoire, afin que l’Editeur puisse traiter les commandes des utilisateurs. 

Si une ou plusieurs informations obligatoires sont manquantes, Méribel Alpina ne pourra pas traiter les commandes. 

Ces informations sont destinées à Méribel Alpina.

Des offres commerciales pourront également être adressées par Méribel Alpina et ses partenaires commerciaux à l'Utilisateur, sauf opposition de ce dernier.    

L’Utilisateur dispose d’un droit d’accès, de rectification et d’opposition pour motifs légitimes sur les données le concernant, en adressant sa demande à Méribel Alpina Service Commercial Route de la Chaudanne 73550 Méribel.

Responsable du traitement : Méribel Alpina.   

Finalité(s) du traitement : Billetterie / Prospection et Gestion commerciale.

6. Liability

The publisher's application endeavours to provide Users with information and / or working tools, but cannot be held responsible for a lack of availability of information and / or the presence of a virus on the application. 

In addition, the Publisher cannot be held liable for information given on websites it links to via hyperlinks and over which he has no editorial control. For maintenance purposes, the Publisher may interrupt the running of the application and will endeavour to forewarn users. 

The User acknowledges these conditions and agrees to abide by them. The User acknowledges, having verified, that his/her computer setup does not contain any virus and is in perfect working condition. 

Finally, the User of the application may not establish a hypertext link to this application without the express prior consent of the Publisher. This document has been translated purely for information purposes; only the source document in French is legally binding.